What we do
Photo © Klementovich
Saco Headwaters Alliance has integrated the knowledge, expertise, and services of
an array of environmental experts and local resources.
connect local municipal clean water priorities with state and federal clean water funding priorities
View our Project Impact Statements (PDF) as of January 2022.
View our presentation at the 2021 NHDES Local Source Water Protection Conference as a narrated slideshow as a video or PDF slideshow.
Identify local/municipal clean water priorities and match with priority funding opportunities from private foundations, and state and federal clean water programs. Assist in grant-writing to obtain the funds.
2020: Strategic Water Resource Monitoring / Gap Analysis Report - "Watching Our Waters": Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation grant of $20,000.
2021: Hart's Location Floodplain Mapping & Threat Analysis: NHDES Clean Water State Revolving Fund award of $75,000 (loan principal forgiveness).
2022: Corridor Management Planning, Saco & Swift Rivers: NHDES Clean Water State Revolving Fund award of $75,000 (loan principal forgiveness) to Hart's Location in collaboration with the SSRLAC.
Photo © Klementovich
strengthen the resilience of the Saco Headwaters Watershed.
Open dialogue with communities and illuminate the science to strengthen the resilience of the Saco Headwaters Watershed.
NH DES funding of $20,000 for Local Source Water Education & Outreach project — 8 NH municipalities in the service area of the Saco Headwaters Alliance.
Implement drinking water protection ordinances.
Best Management Practices to address potential contamination sites.
Inventory stream crossings (culverts and bridges) needs in the face of increasing frequency and severity of storm flooding.
Community Development…
build our network of stakeholders collaborating for a clean water future for the Saco Headwaters Watershed
Develop our collaborative network of stakeholders working to sustain a resilient clean water future for the Saco Headwaters Watershed.
The formation of the Saco Headwaters Alliance was reinforced with early, generous grant awards.
SHA is closely affiliated with the Saco & Swift Rivers Local Advisory Committee (SSRLAC), part of the NHDES Rivers & Lakes Program. The SSRLAC Chair, Mark Dindorf, serves as SHA's Executive Director. The Vice Chair, Jeff Sires, serves as Treasurer and Board member of SHA. The three roles of SHA complement the SSRLAC's charter to provide local knowledge & expertise advising NHDES on wetlands permit applications within municipalities along the Saco and Swift Rivers, assuring sustainability and resilience.
Photo © Klementovich