The threats…
Storm water: increasingly erratic weather with more frequent and severe storm flooding strains infrastructure and adds to pollutants being washed into streams, rivers and ponds.
Septic failure: aging, failing, and unregulated septic disposal.
Potential Contamination Sites: PCS inadequately inspected or monitored.
Forever chemicals: PFA and PFOA disposal by industrial users.
Drought: strains on water sources and availability.
Road Salt: toxic chlorides wash into waterways.
Commercial Extraction: uncontrolled, unregulated, and untaxed bulk water removal.
Increasing weather extremes…
Excess nutrients: agricultural runoff of fertilizer and pesticides.
Development: population increases, and destruction of natural habitats.
Invasives: plants, animals, insects, and diseases destroying habitat and threatening health.
Personal care and pharmaceuticals: dumped products that cannot be filtered in water treatment.
Solid Waste Landfills: overwhelmed and overused.